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RBI Grade B Notification 2023 Out

RBI Grade B Notification 2023 Out

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued the official notification regarding 291 Grade B Officer vacancies. The online registration dates and exam dates along with post-wise vacancies have been depicted through RBI Grade B Notification 2023. The selection for RBI Grade B Officers is done through a country-wide competitive Examination in three phases i.e. Preliminary and Main examination followed by an Interview. RBI conducts RBI Grade B Officer Exam for the selection of eligible graduates for the position of Grade B officer in its various branches all across the country.

RBI Grade B 2023 Vacancy – Category wise

RBI Grade B Vacancy 2023 announced with the RBI Group B Notification 2023 pdf. The total number of vacancies announced for the RBI Grade B 2023. This year Let’s have a look at the vacancy distribution for RBI Grade B 2023 Exam.

RBI Grade B Vacancy 2023

Post Name Vacancy
Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)–(General) 222
Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)–DEPR 38
Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)–DSIM 31
Total 291


Mode of Application:

Candidates are required to apply ON LINE only through the Bank’s website No other mode for submission of application is available.


Brief Instructions for filling up the “Online Application Form” are given in Appendix-I.


                                                  Events Important Dates
Website Link Open For Online Registration of Applications and Payment of Fees/Intimation Charges May 09 – June 09, 2023

(till 06:00 p.m.)

Officers in Gr B (DR)-


Phase – I – Online Examination July 09, 2023
Phase – II – Paper I, II & III Online Examination July 30, 2023
Officers in Gr B (DR)-


Phase – I – Paper I & II Online Examination July 16, 2023
Phase – II – Paper I & II Written Examination September 02, 2023
Officers in Gr B (DR)-


Phase – I – Online Examination July 16, 2023
Phase – II – Paper II & III Online / Written Examination August 19, 2023


RBI Grade B Education Qualification

Posts Minimum Educational Qualifications
Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)

– (General)

• Graduation in any discipline /Equivalent technical or professional qualification with minimum 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PwBD applicants) or Post-Graduation / Equivalent technical qualification with minimum 55% marks (pass marks for SC/ST/PwBD applicants) in aggregate of all semesters / years.



• Any such full-time course from a recognised University / Institute that is taken after Class XIIth and is at least of 3 years’ duration/ candidate possessing professional and technical qualifications which are recognized by the Government as equivalent to professional and technical graduation will be eligible for admission to the examination.


• Candidates who have passed the Final Examination for Membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India may also apply for the post.



• Any such full-time course from a recognised University / Institute that is taken after graduation and is at least of 2 years’ duration / recognised by the Government as equivalent to post graduation will be eligible for admission to the examination.

Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)


• Essential: a. A Master’s Degree in Economics / Econometrics / Quantitative Economics / Mathematical Economics / Integrated Economics Course/ Finance, with a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters /years from a recognised Indian or Foreign University /Institute.



b. PGDM/ MBA Finance with a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters /years from a recognised Indian or Foreign University /Institute.




c. Master’s Degree in Economics in any of the sub-categories of economics i.e. agricultural/ business/ developmental/ applied, etc., with a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters /years from a recognised Indian or Foreign University / Institute


d. (i) Candidates having Master’s Degree with Research/Teaching experience at a recognized Indian/Foreign University/ Institute will be eligible for relaxation in upper age limit to the extent of number of years of such experience subject to a maximum of three years. For experience, probationary period will not be reckoned.

Officers in Grade ‘B’ (DR)



a. A Master’s Degree in Statistics/ Mathematical Statistics/ Mathematical Economics/ Econometrics/ Statistics & Informatics from IIT-Kharagpur/ Applied Statistics & Informatics from IIT-Bombay with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters / years.




b. Master’s Degree in Mathematics with a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters / years and one year post graduate diploma in Statistics or related subjects from an Institute of repute.




c. M. Stat. Degree of Indian Statistical Institute with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate of all semesters / years.




d. Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics (PGDBA) jointly offered by ISI Kolkata, IIT Kharagpur and IIM Calcutta with a minimum of 55%

marks or equivalent grade in aggregate of all semesters/years.



RBI Grade B Age Limit(As on 01/05/2023)

RBI has defined minimum age criteria for appearing in the RBI Officer (Grade ‘B’) examination. Candidates are required to be aged between 21 years and 30 years (both age included) to apply for RBI Grade B exam 2023. For candidates possessing M.Phil. and Ph.D. qualifications, the upper age limit will be 32 and 34 years respectively.


RBI Grade B 2023 Selection Process

RBI Grade B 2023 Exam is conducted in three phases, while the Prelims examination is Objective in nature while the Mains examination would comprise of the objective as well as descriptive test

Phase-I exam

Phase-II exam and

Interview process


RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Pattern

The prelims exam of RBI Grade-B Officer 2023 comprises a single Paper for 200 marks. A total time of 120 minutes will be given for answering. However, separate time will be allotted for each test.


RBI Grade B Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

SNo Section Asked No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
1. General Awareness 200 200 Composite

time of

2 hours

2. Quantitative Aptitude
3. English Language
4. Reasoning



  1. A total time of 120 minutes will be given for the prelims exam. However, separate time will be allotted for each test. O detailed information regarding the examination will be given in an Information Handout, which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letter for RBI Grade B 2023 prelims exam.
  2. Candidates have to secure minimum marks separately for each test as well as in aggregate.


RBI Grade B Mains Exam Pattern 2023

S No Sections / Subjects Paper Type Maximum Marks  Duration (minutes)
1 Paper I: Economics and Social Issues 50% Objective Type, 50% Descriptive (to be typed with the help of the keyboard) 50

50 Total-100


90 Total-120

2 Paper II: English (Writing Skills) Descriptive (3 questions) 100 90 minutes
3 Paper III: Finance and Management 50% Objective Type and 50% Descriptive 50

50 Total-100


90 Total-120


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