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    PSU Exams

    There are various PSU (Public Sector Undertaking) in India. CL, BHEL, PGCIL, BEL, DDA etc. companies are considering GATE SCORE for their Recruitment. Some PSUs like LIC, GIC, NIC, etc need candidates to crack Non-Technical Aptitude Tests. Generally, PSU’s Companies short list 2.5 to 3.5 times number of candidates for the interview process after Exam result. Other than technical, Non-Technical jobs like Administrative, Clerical etc are also very popular with the youth these days, as they need to clear Only Aptitude tests for these jobs.



    Many PSU’s are also conducting their own written exam for their recruitment.
    The written test consists of two papers- Technical and Aptitude. The questions of the Technical test depend on the discipline chosen among the six disciplines. The six disciplines are Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Control and Instrumentation and HR & Finance.

    Total Questions – 120

    Negative Marking – 0.25 Marks

    Branches – EE/EC/ME/CE/EI (any one)

    Total Questions – 120

    Negative Marking – 0.25 Marks

    Common to all branches

    The number of questions in the Technical Test is 120 and that in the Aptitude Test is 50. The questions are of multiple choice types and time allotted is 2 hours. The questions are not very tough but time management is an important issue. Maximum number of questions should be answered for getting a chance, but it should also be remembered that there is a negative marking of 1/4th mark for every wrong answer.

    The aptitude test questions do not belong to any specific stream. They consists general questions like Synonyms, Antonyms, Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word, Word Analogies, Comprehension Passages. There can be some questions on problem solving skills. The problems are on topics like time and distance, profit and loss, ratio and proportion etc.

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