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IBPS Exam Calendar for the Year 2023-24

The Institute of Banking Personnel (IBPS) releases a tentative exam calendar every year in the month of January on the official website . The IBPS exam calendar for the year 2022-23 has been released with tentative exam dates for PO, Clerk, SO & RRB exams on January 16, 2022.


IBPS conducts various exams to recruit candidates for RRBs and PSBs. There are four different recruitment processes involved, CRP RRB-XI (Office Assistants), CRP RRB-XI (Officers) for RRB, and for PSB exams – CRP CLERK-XII, CRP PO/MT-XII, and CRP SPL-XII.


IBPS Exam Schedule 2023

Every year IBPS conducts the examination for the recruitment of candidates in the Public Sector Undertaking Banks. For the information of our readers, the examinations are conducted for the Regional Rural Banks for the designations of Office Assistant and Officer Scale I, II and III. Apart from this, IBPS also conducts examinations for Public Sector Banks for the post of clerks, specialist officers and probationary officers. Here we have divided the examination dates into four categories listed below:

  1. IBPS RRB Examination Dates
  2. IBPS Clerk Examination Dates
  3. IBPS PO Examination Dates
  4. IBPS Specialist Officer Examination Dates


IBPS RRB Examination Dates

As mentioned above the IBPS also conducts the Common Recruitment Process for the Regional Rural Banks. Therefore, this year board will conduct the CRP RRB-XII for the office Assistants and CRP RRB-XII for officers. The timetable for that is provided below:

Activity Name of the Designation Date of the Examination
Pre Exam Office Assistant and Officer Scale I 5th of August, 2023
6th of August,2023
12th of August,2023
13th of August, 2023
19th of August, 2023
Mains Exam Office Assistant
Officer Scale I
16th of September, 2023
10th of September,2023 respectively
Single Exam Officer Scale-II and III 10th of September, 2023


IBPS Specialist Officer Examination Dates

The IBPS SO exam dates have been provided in the table below:

Activity Name of the Designation Date of the Examination
Pre Examination Specialist Officer or SO 30th of December, 2023
31st of December,2023
Mains Examination Specialist Officer or SO 28th of January, 2024


IBPS Clerk Examination Dates

The clerk examinations date sheet has been provided in the below table. The candidates preparing for the clerk examinations can go through the table below:

Activity Name of the Designation Date of the Examination
Pre Examination Clerk 26th of August, 2023
27th of August,2023
2nd of September, 2023
Mains Examination Clerk 7th of October, 2023


IBPS PO Examination Dates

IBPS Probationary Officer XIII Examination dates have been provided in the table below:

Activity Name of the Designation Date of the Examination
Pre Examination Probationary Officer 23rd of September,2023
30th of September,2023
1st of October,2023
Mains Examination Probationary Officer 5th of November, 2023

We have mentioned all the important dates for the various examinations to be held by the IBPS in the year 2023. The candidates can have a glance at the above examination dates. Moreover, it has been clearly written that this is a tentative timetable and the detailed notification for each recruitment will be released by the authority in the due course of time.

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