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    SAT-I Exam

    Applicants to undergraduate courses, particularly in US and Canada, are required to take the SAT exam. If the student is looking to get admission to a particular course, she/he can take the SAT subject tests to show his knowledge and understanding of that particular subject. Subject tests are offered in areas like Literature, History, Mathematics, Sciences and Foreign Languages.


    SAT Pattern :

    SAT exam pattern is as follow- three sections, namely, Math, Reading, and Writing. There is an optional section which is called the Essay, which has one 50 minutes long substantial passage from which the student needs to build their argument. Students are not scored on this section. Here we cover the general SAT test pattern.

    Here is the SAT paper pattern :


    Subject Duration Subsections Questions Score Range
    Math 80 minutes

    Calculator allowed for 37 questions

    Calculator not allowed for 20 questions

    Problem-solving and data analysis ‘The Heart of Algebra’‘Passport to Advanced Math’ 200-800
    Reading 65 minutes Total 52 questions No Sentence Completion. Tests understanding of passages from the US and world Literature, History/Social Studies, and Sciences (500-750 words) 200-800 (combined with Writing section)
    Writing and Language 35 minutes Total 44 questions Tests ‘Expression of Ideas’ and ‘Standard English Conventions’ through passages related to Careers,History/Social Studies, Humanities and Science. All questions from extended prose (400-450 words) 200-800 (combined with Reading section)
    Essay (optional) 50 minutes One 50 minutes optional essay This section requires students to evaluate an argument through analysis of evidence not scored
    Total 3 hours (with optional 50 minutes) 154 questions 1600

    Scoring Pattern in SAT :

    The SAT is divided into two sections – 1. Reading, Writing and 2.Mathematics. These two sections are scored on a 200-800 point scale, for a maximum total score of 1600.

    SAT Results :

    SAT test results are typically released within 4-5 weeks of the test administration and can be viewed online. Students can choose to send their test scores to colleges of their choice. They also have the option to cancel their test score or withhold them from being sent to certain colleges.

    SAT Exam Dates :

    The SAT is conducted only a few times a year between October to June. You don’t have the luxury of selecting an exam date suitable as per your convenience, which is the case with other exams. You need to plan your exam prep according to these test dates. These exams are scheduled to suit your application deadlines for the fall semester.

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