The Civil Services offer fine opportunities to the youth for serving the people. Our country needs honest, efficient, competent and dynamic officers who know the ethos of the land. Because of the remarkable success of candidates from Kerala in the challenging civil services examination in recent times, it has become a rage among the youth of the State.
In 2014, nearly 9.5 lakh candidates filed their applications. In 2016, there would be a million applicants, half of whom may appear in the preliminary exam, competing for a thousand seats. But there is a positive side. A candidate who prepares steadily for nearly 15 months with commitment for improving language skills, widening general knowledge, mastering strategies for facing objective as well as descriptive questions, perfecting interview techniques and building self-confidence will certainly have developed strong competitive muscles. This will help the candidate in winning any other competition of a similar nature. However, let us focus on success. The selection would be for nearly 24 services including the IFS, IAS and IPS.