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Tips To Crack NDA Exam

If joining the National Defence Academy (NDA) and becoming an officer in the Indian defence forces is your dream, this article is just for you! The NDA Preparation Tips from an expert in the field will definitely help you balance your time spent on your regular studies and the preparation of NDA exam.


Competition for the NDA exam is now even more cut-throat after the welcome move of allowing entry to female candidates. Moreover, the NDA exam is a Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam, so its preparation strategy must be carefully crafted. You must also keep in mind the syllabus if you wish to qualify the exam for admission to the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of NDA and Indian Naval Academy course.


The topics of the NDA syllabus cover Mathematics and GAT (English & General Awareness) and the level of NDA syllabus is of Class 10, 11, and 12 standards. To help you out with such factors, we provide you some of the best NDA Preparation Tips in this article.

1. Get a thorough Knowledge of NDA Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Before starting the preparation, get acquainted with the NDA syllabus and Exam pattern. This will help you cover the topics one by one and plan the schedule accordingly.  Also, examine the NDA Exam Analysis published by various online portals to get a hang of the trend of the past years’ papers.


2. Schedule Your Study Plan Smartly

For better preparation, it is necessary to have a smart study plan. Here, smart study plan means to manage your time and NDA syllabus efficiently. Your preparation schedule must be well-organized so that you are able to score good marks.


3. Ensure that your basics are clear

Firstly, make a list of chapters and topics after the analysis of your complete syllabus. Then mark the topics that require more attention and concentration. Start preparing the topics from basics. If your basics are clear then only you are able to solve different types of questions. Clear your basics taking help and guidance from professional teachers.


4. Make the Cut Off Marks of last five years your benchmark

  • UPSC releases the cut-off marks of the exams conducted by it.
  • Add at least 10-15% to the average cut-off marks to set your goal.


5. Focus on General Ability Test (English & General Awareness)

Note that it has more marks per question than the Maths paper has.


Proficiency in English is required for clearing the NDA examination. Your English is not only tested in written test but if there is fluency in your English, then it will leave a good impression on selectors also at the time of SSB interview.


  1. Prepare Vocabulary well. Practice and learn with Exam level questions
  2. Practice Grammar only with Exam level questions
  3. Reading Comprehension requires only focus and keen observation- you must pick the right facts and figures
  4. For Sentence Jumble Questions pay attention on only three parts of the sentence: The subjectthe verband the object of the verb. Rest will automatically fall in place.
  5. For Para Jumble Questions pay attention on only three areas of the paragraph: Introductory SentenceMandatory Pairs, and Concluding Sentence.


General Knowledge

General Knowledge is a part of the syllabus, so prepare it well. You can get full marks or even zero in this section. The questions test your GK. Hence, a simple brush up of class IX-X should do good.


Static GK

  1. A proper strategy is to be devised based on your interest areas.
  2. Analyse the past years’ question papers and get a fair idea of the types of questions asked.
  3. Static GK questions come from a variety of subject areas. They include science subjects as well as Social Science Subjects (even literature also)


Science Subjects

  1. NDA Exam does not test the knowledge of the subject as does JEE or NEET.
  2. The questions test your GK. Hence, a simple brush up of class IX-X should do good.
  3. Focus on facts, not in-depth concepts.


Social Science Subjects

  1. The same as Science Subjects. Focus on facts, not in-depth concepts.


Track Current Events

All major events that have taken place in India or the world in the last one year are very crucial. Strengthen your GK portion by reading newspapers, magazines, journals, refer books of prominent writers that focus on current affairs, etc.


6. Don’t over-emphasise Maths

  1. Maths paper has a cut off of 25% only. Hence, your minimum target should be 36-40 Questions (90-100 marks)
  2. Most of you have maths in class XI-XII. Hence, that preparation should be good enough to score around 45-50% marks
  3. Maths questions have only 2.5 marks each
  4. Don’t attempt too many maths questions as there are negative marks Hence, your maximum target should be 50-55 Questions (110-125 marks)
  5. Judge your ability and set your target by the fact that 150 min is the maximum time limit. 50-55 questions in 150 minutes is a reasonable target


7. Choose Study Material carefully for NDA Test preparation

  1. While doing preparation work for NDA, a very large number of books and notes should not be consulted.
  2. A balance between your NDA preparation and Class XII preparation must be maintained

Preparation from right books is necessary. We cover almost each area of the exam comprehensively.


Make Short Notes

  1. It is better to write short notes which are handy so you can revise them without taking much time.
  2. Use notes prepared by experts which are actually useful and important.
  3. Read concept notes from NCERT Study material.

8. Remember that the right kind of practice is the key to success. How? Solve Previous Year Question Papers!

You will get the idea about the NDA exam pattern of the examination and difficulty level of the questions asked in the examination.

Write Tests regularly

  1. It is very important to do the preparation in right direction.
  2. Your speed is important. Only judicious time management can get the best results.
  3. Analytics of the tests shows you the way. Take them seriously.
  4. Understanding the level of preparation is key to time management

 9. Stay Fit and Stay Alert

  1. You are advised to keep fit and healthy through the intake of sufficient food and water.
  2. A good sleeping pattern helps.
  3. Besides this, also prefer yoga or some another exercise or meditation to relieve
  4. Finally, the Revision
  5. Revision is the key to good performance. This will help you remember the facts for
  6. Candidates are advised to make short notes & revise them on a regular basis.
  7. Do not study topics unnecessarily at great length. This will make you forgot even what you have studied earlier. In the last week before examination, revise all the topics & subjects you have studied properly. This will help you to score well in the examination.

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